Vi är pionjärer inom den moderna Digital Signage-industrin. Kontakta oss för att designa och implementera de mest imponerande och värdeskapande lösningarna för ditt företag. Alla kontaktuppgifter till företaget och personal hittar du nedanför kontaktformuläret.
Tack för att du kontaktade oss. Vi hör av oss snart.
Interested in being seen on big surfaces? Our Key Account Manager Kasperi will help you to find the most suitable LED solutions for your indoor and outdoor locations.
Digital content productions and programmatic contents
Videos, animations, dynamic templates, applications, special campaigns, you name it. With our Producer Pete your ideas build up to functional content for your screens.
Interested in next generation services for audience targeting and content management? Check out our sister company and contact Petri for more information.
Our Helpdesk and maintenance team are happy to serve you in case of technical issues. You'll find more information on our support services from Helpdesk's own side.